Wed. Mar 12th, 2025
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Gateshead Council say residents priorities are at the heart of budget proposals.

New homes, jobs, green spaces and further investment in the local environment are at the heart of budget proposals being considered by full council later this week.

A rolling programme of investment worth over £620m over the next five years will be considered at Thursday’s Council meeting.

Street lighting, housing developments, Gateshead Quays and sports pitches are all in line to be put forward for major cash injections.

Proposals also include further investment in council vehicles to improve the reliability and efficiency of bin collections and pothole repairs.

Councillor Martin Gannon, Leader of the Council, said: “These budget proposals represent a bold commitment to the future of Gateshead. I am delighted to say that proposals on the table include dedicating resources to improving the local environment – tidying Gateshead up and making our neighbourhoods cleaner, greener and more attractive.

Like last year, another £2m would be used this year alone to smarten up our streets by tackling fly-tipping, littering, weeds, and graffiti.

With millions allocated to invest in machinery to fix potholes more quickly and efficiently, we are ensuring safer and smoother roads for Gateshead’s residents.

The proposed £260m investment in council housing will improve existing homes and build over 400 new council homes.

“This budget is a step forward in improving not only our infrastructure, but the overall quality of life for Gateshead residents, building a greener, stronger and more prosperous future for all.

We have had, and continue to have, financial challenges, but the way in which we have approached our finances mean we have a strong foundation on which to build for the future.”

See the full Council agenda and papers

Alongside the programme for future investment, full Council will consider the 2025/26 budget proposals which includes using £8.5m of reserves, £2.1m organisation wide efficiencies and £2.4m planned social care interventions.

This together with a 2.99% increase in Council Tax and a 2% increase in the adult social care precept, in line with Government assumptions will result in a legally balanced budget without the need for cuts to vital services.

Gateshead Council say residents priorities are at the heart of budget proposals